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Legal Name Fraud: (The Mystery Uncovered)

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Any/all attempts by/of/for any/all who assume/presume me, the life source consciousness within MY body reclaimed will be deemed HIGH TREASON against the creator of all itself as I am part of all consciousness and my Couer-T/court and, by virtue of your own rules, are now OBLIGATED to arrest/detain/incarcerate any/all LEGAL NAME servants/slaves ACTING in any/all TITLES/OFFICES etc. et al who have attempted, are attempting or will attempt to engage/in pledge in this activity against me and any/all those who know this fact and; Der er ingen der er så håbløst og inderligt i slaveri som dem der fejlagtigt tror de er frie mennesker… As another simple example of this, nothing in the legal/commerce world could, can or would exist without this LEGAL NAME FRAUD in place that puts everyone with using any/all forms of LEGAL IDENTIFICATION immediately in a state of false personation, fraud and countless other CAPITAL CRIMES for the mere freewill consent and thinking one actually is a legal NAME which they certainly are not. A legal name only exists on paper in a flat earth, two dimensional paper sea where those defrauded via deception into using one/thinking they are one, are the very ones that give this dead by consent fictional reality its existence at all. It’s quite insane really when you think about it. Er DU borger i/medarbejder/slave for The Crown Corporation City of London State (Crown Virksomheden Byen af Staten London) og derfor må finde dig i og følge alle de mange, mange gange meget unfair og uhumane legale love/regler og give stort set alt din energi til, at føre andres drømme og ideer ud i livet?

Before any fraud can be revealed, a simple understanding of what fraud actually is is critical to grasp the enormity of the fraud placed on humanity overall. Fraud is simply a knowing attempt to deceive another to steal from them. Plain and simple, a fraud is hidden theft. What humanity is finding difficult to accept is the actual level of theft that has been achieved over every man, woman and child on what we call earth. Humanity has been duped into In-dependence upon the very thing that is draining their very souls of life and, literally, feeding it to the hounds of Hell. Not one part of humanity’s day to day activities escape this perfect net if you’re still willing to be their fishies. Every aspect of what you THINK of as a normal kinda day is soaked and dripping in this venom that has permeated the very mind of consciousness rendering it unconscious and thus, dead. All evil had to do was make being dead legally, fun enough to quell and lull the masses, and make sure you can’t imagine any other kind of normal day besides the matrix you’re spinning in. I’ll outline a few parables of this during this essay where it is my hope to be able to convey, in the simplest terms, the magnitude of this ruse while keeping your panic to a dull roar. Yes, this is serious business since your very soul is on THEIR lien/line/ligne until YOU un-Hook your Peter Pan and Tinkerbell but, the answer AND truth beyond in the living reality are so simple, you simply won’t believe it. These two articles have excellent information about the legal name game. I highly recommend them! If you are having trouble reading the articles, visit this link and this link to go to the PDF files. to Whom it May Concern, LEGAL NAMES NOTWITHSTANDING, where any/all names mentioned in this are not and will never be assumed/presumed to be LEGAL NAMES where any/all LEGAL NAMES are, in fact, AIDING AND ABETTING FRAUD. It is not my wish nor ever will be my wish to partake in any/all frauds ab initio, ad infinitum;I det øjeblik fødselsattest/kontrakten bliver underskrevet bliver der registeret og lavet/født en person/stråmand/død fiktiv identitet/et firma med en påhæftet gælds-værdi udregnet udfra hvad dine forældre/værge tjener og hvad det forventes, at havde dig ”gående” og indtjene til systemet i et helt liv… denne døde I.D.entitet er IKKE DIG skønt denne person/død fiktiv I.D.entitet har samme navn og fødselsdag dato som dig. Thales Group eller Thales S.A. Ejer 80% af Rejsekortet, det er en fransk elektronikkoncern, som udvikler og producerer informationssystemer for luftfarts-, militære- og sikkerhedsmarkeder… Hvorfor er der en høj moms og afgift på rigtig mange vare eksempelvis ”Nøddeafgiften”? Fordi det LEGALE system tillader det.

Fødselsattesten er ophavsret beskyttet/copyrighed, fødselsattesten er ejet af the Crown. (The Crown Corporation – The City of London State/Crown Virksomheden – Byen af Staten London). Kelly, Jon (11 June 2016). "The mystery of the 'legal name fraud' billboards". BBC News . Retrieved 2 September 2019. Profiting from criminal activity (employment, shares, profits, investments, sales, any/all means of procuring legal FIAT currencies etc.) inasmuch as any/all COMMERCE is based totally and utterly (udders of life, humanity’s “milk and honey”) on the LEGAL NAME/TITLE FRAUD construct from the creation of FIAT currencies based on the valuations of the slave trading BONDS (UCC/UPU a.k.a. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, STATE/CORPORATION OF VATICAN CITY, STATE) that the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is, and intended to be for just such a purpose to involve EVERY form of “money made” be it through peaceful and/or criminal activities from being paid to deliver newspapers to being paid to legally murder another human being under the legal umbrella of war/military, where murder in any form is murder and any/all associations to/by/for/of/in any/all LEGAL NAME(S)/TITLE(S) forms renders one GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION absolute inasmuch as one is still mentally, physically, spiritually bound in the legal reality/unreality (“deal with the devil/Satan”) by agreement to be so involved in this criminal activity. I don’t associate with murderers/I.D.-doll worshiping at any/all levels nor will I be assumed/presumed otherwise via LEGAL NAME FRAUD associations/assumptions/presumptions and the LEGAL sorcery practitioners therein; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus is invoked/spoken/written These are just a few of the examples that anyone with any sense of “legal wrongdoing” can see to illustrate clearly the absolute fraud nature of the entire legal system and the basis of the fraud against humanity it is based upon where the LEGAL NAME/TITLE claims are the cornerstone that holds the entire pyramid construct with the criminals (legal sorcerers) atop the pyramid of delusional and illusional power and where any/all cops/judges/lawyers/common people should have a basic understanding of what fraud is where fraud is clearly defined in the ten commandments motif. Fraud (entire legal reality) includes, not limited to, murder, stealing, raping, adultering, greed, lust, covetousness, false idol creation and worship, and all manner of evil intentions where only the veil of a papered reality protects the evil with KNOWING intentions and now you know, ignorance removed herein where it is encumbent with EVERY individual to prove otherwise, SILENCE EQUATES ACQUIESCENCE maxim invoked; Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus is invoked/spoken/written Jeg er dansker født i Norge, Sverige er mit fædreland, taler russisk som en tysker, skønt jeg er en engelsk mand?! … Sådan starter et gammelt ”dansk” børnerim jeg husker man sang i 70’erne.ATTENTION: Lawyer, Judge, Government Agent/employee, Police, Common Man etc. et al/any/all who serve as a fictional LEGAL NAME/TITLE/I.D.-ENTITY (pronounced phonetically example: “leg-all enemy”((N-AM-E), “tit-El”/Luciferian)) character in the legal world reality; Som friheds-kæmper, kæmper man vel for, ”Det Frie Menneske”… en fri ånd og sjæl, frie mennesker høre ikke under nogen former for system… som tilmed dræner deres livs-energi på mange måder. Med hensyn til menneskerettigheder så er disse rettigheder jo også ”man made” (menneske lavet) og en del af systemet, ”Det Levende Menneske” har ikke brug for ”man made” ”love/regler” for den naturlige lov er indbygget i vores blueprint, vores hjerter, vi ved godt hvad der er rigtigt og forkert, vi ved godt at det er forkert, at slå ihjel (gælder også dyr), voldtage, lyve, stjæle, genere andre/gå imod deres frie vilje osv. En juridisk eller legal person, samme ting/død identitet (person, betyder maske på latin) kan være et aktieselskab, en forening, en kommune, selskab, virksomhed, institution eller anden enhed mm. Pinocchio synger: ”Der er ingen bånd der binder mig, og ingen holder på mig nej. Før var jeg i slaveri, men nu er det forbi” …

At brokke sig over de forskellige partiers politik, overordnet Folketingets politikker/love og regler er det samme som at, blande sig i en privat virksomheds politikker, da Folketinget er en privat virksomhed. A variation of the strawman theory is found in the "legal name fraud" movement, which believes that birth certificates give the state legal ownership of a personal name and that refusing to use this name removes oneself from the state's authority and a court's jurisdiction. [19] [20] Hvorfor kan børn blive fjernet fra deres forældre på et meget vagt grundlag eller helt uden grund? – På grund af den LEGALE registering. Relay UK - if you can't hear or speak on the phone, you can type what you want to say: 18001 then 0300 123 2050

In 2016, a billboard campaign promoted the "legal name fraud" theory in the United Kingdom. Lawyer David Allen Green commented that the theory was "complete tosh" and potentially harmful to litigants who would use it in court: "If people try to use such things to avoid their legal obligations they can end up with county court judgments or even criminal convictions. You may as well walk into court with a t-shirt saying 'I am an idiot'." [35]

Er du et legalt navn med tilhørende nummer en person/maske/en stråmand/en død fiktiv identitet… er du et navn på en ophavsret-beskyttet papir/en fødselsattest… er du en krimminel gælds-slave, der lever og ånder for at føre andres drømme ud i livet eller er du egen herre i eget hus, et kreativt selvtænkende kærligt menneske med ånd sjæl? Dommeren: vi bliver nød til og hæhæ om alt, så sagen kan ikke slutte her i retten hvis ikke enten, at jeg fastslår at …… (fornavn) er faderen, at han ikke er faderen eller ikke kan eller ikke kan finde nogen mand der er faderen det sker jo også at der er nogen, ikke dig men andre som simpelhen ikke ved hvem faderen er fordi de har været sammen med mange eller fordi de ikke kan huske hvem de har været sammen med eller de ikke kan finde manden igen eller et eller andet ikke så slutter vi sagen men jeg skal følge sagen til dørs uanset om man kan finde dem eller ej, det kan vi gøre på to måder enten så får du en blanket med så kan du snakke med …… (fornavn) om det Disse partimedlemmer er medlem af/arbejder for/i samme virksomhed nemlig Folketinget, ja det er et privat virksomhed, viste du det? Jeg formoder, at langt de fleste IKKE bryder sig om krig, tortur, død og ødelæggelse… men mange af jer har sikkert et Rejsekort… om hvilket er meget i modstrid med jeres overbevisning om at gå ind for fred… Vil man ændre noget starter det som bekendt med en selv…?! It is impossible to dodge the law by insisting that an individual is different from his or her person. If a court can establish a person's identity, regardless of consent or cooperation, the court will engage in proceedings and sanctions against the individual. This is due to the legal principle known as Idem sonans (Latin for "sounding the same") which states that similar sounding names are just as valid in referring to a person. [38] The earliest legal precedent is R v Davis in the United Kingdom in 1851. [39]Lindsay, Bethany (January 19, 2012). "Tax-dodging guru convicted on evasion charges". CTV News . Retrieved July 16, 2022. Netolitzky, Donald J. (2016). "The History of the Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument Phenomenon in Canada". Alberta Law Review. Alberta Law Review Society. 53 (3). Archived from the original on 23 December 2020 . Retrieved 23 December 2020.

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