The Gro Company Hip Healthy Swaddle, Up and Away

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The Gro Company Hip Healthy Swaddle, Up and Away

The Gro Company Hip Healthy Swaddle, Up and Away

RRP: £99
Price: £9.9
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We tried so many different swaddles and my DD seemed to hate them all - she would just fight against it and get so frustrated and angry. I'd just about given up on swaddling, and the idea of her sleeping anywhere other than me, then tried one last type called the Miracle Blanket. It comes with a 100% guarantee that it will help your baby get to sleep and stay asleep longer and it honestly works! It's saved my sleep.” (Recommended by Mumsnetter MissHoney85) When testing swaddles we consider a number of factors including ease of use, material, comfort and value for money. In a very warm bedroom, you could use the Groswaddle with no clothing underneath. If the bedroom is hot (over 75°F/ 24°C), try to cool it down, and if this isn’t possible then it may be better to leave baby out of the swaddle until it is cooler. It may not feel like it, but your newborn spends up to 20 hours of each day asleep. Because of this, it’s vital to make sure your baby is swaddled safely and that risks are minimised as much as possible. The safest way to swaddle is to do it from birth rather than suddenly introduce swaddling at the vulnerable age of three months when the SIDS risk is highest.The most important sign that it’s time to stop swaddling is when baby learns to roll over, which happens anywhere between two and four months. Of course, bub could show clear signs that they’re ready to move on before they even learn to roll, such as constantly breaking out of their baby wrap or swaddle suit. What are some of the benefits of swaddling a baby? The Groswaddle is our traditional wrap, a shaped swaddle with exactly the right amount of fabric for a safe swaddle – with no risk of overwrapping. You can use it to swaddle your baby arms in or arms out, by using different wrapping techniques. Snug as a bug in a rug, or a sweet babe in a swaddle. A baby swaddle can be you and your fresh bub’s sleep saviour and create a strong link to the bedtime routine. But which type of swaddle will suit your newborn?

The key to a good swaddle is keeping it snug. Some studies call this a type of “motor restraint,” which is just a technical way of saying that it restricts a baby’s movements so they don’t set off their moro or “startle” reflex. A traditional swaddle, a cot blanket and a cot cover rolled into one? The Aden + Anais Classic Swaddle is a winner in our book. It’s the world’s only legs in / legs out swaddle and it’s perfect for adapting to changing weather and doing nappy changes with the stealth of a ninja. Hip safe, it comes with a ‘no break-out’ zip that keeps little ones cocooned and cosy all night long. There are many reasons families like to swaddle their baby,' says Ratcliffe. 'Some are for cultural reasons. Others can be if the baby has a strong startle reflex, or if the baby is overtired or over-stimulated.' The perfect pouch for your little joey. Bubbaroo’s award-winning swaddles are made with lightweight, knitted cotton that’s machine washable and fast drying. They come in one size to fit newborns through their early months and have a bottom zip for easy nappy changes.

7. Best velcro swaddle: SwaddleMe

The USP here is definitely the inclusion of some eye-catching ‘wings’ built into the top of the swaddle. At first glance, they're maybe more Batman than cute and comfy, but our tester found the movement this provided priceless for soothing her little girl, as it allowed her to sleep in her favourite 'arms-up' position. While not all babies like to sleep in this position, this is the swaddle most highly rated by both our tester and most frequently recommended by Mumsnet users.

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