Talking Products, Voice Recordable Greeting Card, 40 Seconds Recording with Replaceable Batteries. Record and Send your own Personal Voice Message, Music or Sound Effects

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Talking Products, Voice Recordable Greeting Card, 40 Seconds Recording with Replaceable Batteries. Record and Send your own Personal Voice Message, Music or Sound Effects

Talking Products, Voice Recordable Greeting Card, 40 Seconds Recording with Replaceable Batteries. Record and Send your own Personal Voice Message, Music or Sound Effects

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Price: £4.975
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These speaking and listening activities are perfect for helping your students develop their skills. If you have the MycoMerger mod installed, you can also set TalkingCardsNontalkingMerge to true to allow the talking cards to be merged with their non-talking counterpart at the Mycologists event. You can change what that counterpart is in the configuration but the recommended default is Talking Stoat with Stoat, Stinkbug with RingWorm, and Stunted Wolf with Wolf. When setting the card name in the configuration, it must be the internal card name and not the displayed card name. From famous people like Florence Nightingale to popular stories like Little Red Riding Hood, our talk cards are all designed to boost KS1 discussion, encourage creative thinking and engage students in a number of different topics and themes. A wide variety of topics for you to choose from

The card name that designates the counterpart of the Talking Stinkbug for merging at the Mycologists. Default is "RingWorm". I've added everything I could think of so no further updates are planned. The mod only focuses on including the talking cards from Part 1 into Kaycee's Mod so there's not much more to add. The free walk and talk trail is a set of cards designed to support parents and carers of 0 to 5-year-olds to talk and play more with their children while they are out and about engaging in their daily routine. The cards have been produced by the National Literacy Trust to support the Start for Life campaign. Applies balancing to the talking cards when true and uses the original Part 1 values for the talking cards otherwise.Don't force them to speak if they don't want to! Also, allow them to speak in their native language to help them feel more comfortable. The card name that designates the counterpart of the Talking Wolf for merging at the Mycologists. Default is "Wolf". Engaging your kids in conversation around the dinner table is invaluable. For them, and for you as the parent.

You could also use these speaking activities in PDF to prompt further writing activities. Using one of these cards, can children write up their answers? This ensures that children can then develop both their speaking and writing skills. It’s important for kids to develop good speaking and communication skills because this will help them to make friends, build connections and be able to ask for support when they need to. What’s more, these skills can even have far-reaching benefits beyond your pupil’s school lives. While dinnertime works best for us it’s not right for everyone. If you’re struggling to get everyone to the dinner table at the same time each night, you could try for another meal in the day, or one meal a week where everyone is expected to sit down together, or even some special quiet time just before bed, depending upon the age of your children and your family commitments.And if you have trouble getting the conversation flowing, this printable set of conversation question cards could be just what you need! The card name that designates the counterpart of the Talking Stoat for merging at the Mycologists. Default is "Stoat". These conversation cards are great for getting your children conversing in your classroom. There are eight different cards, each with a set of conversation starters for children to talk about with a partner. These include: You can adjust the mod's settings using your mod manager's Config editor or by manually editing the rykedaxter.inscryption.kctalkingcards.cfg file in /Bepinex/config. Installation These conversation cards are designed by teachers, for teachers. This ensures that you know you're using resources that you can trust.

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