Duck Identification Chart - Full Colour illustrations and Descriptions

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Duck Identification Chart - Full Colour illustrations and Descriptions

Duck Identification Chart - Full Colour illustrations and Descriptions

RRP: £99
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These species winter in Britain in large numbers, with more birds present in years when the weather conditions elsewhere in Europe are particularly poor. Mallards also fly in from Russia, though the majority come from Iceland and northern Europe. These birds have a hook at the tip of the bill and lamellae along the edges to help grip fish, they specialise in diving for prey. Fun Fact: An adult Lesser Scaup may pretend to be dead when in the jaws of a predator like the Red Fox. 15. Greater Scaup These beautiful birds are native to east Asia but feral populations became established in the UK early in the 20th century. They are now quite widespread and are of course very easily identified, particularly the colourful male.

Distribution: Present in almost all coastal areas in the UK year-round, as well as some inland waters such as reservoirs.Northern Shovelers spend the winter in the southern half of the US and along the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts up to Canada. They migrate to the western half of Canada and northwestern US states for breeding in the summer. Some also breed around the Great Lakes. Common Eiders breed in Canada and Alaska and parts of northern Europe and Asia. Some remain in those areas in winter all year, but others migrate south. Distribution: During the summer, pochards are most likely found along the east coast of England but in the winter they can be seen along almost all of the UK coastline, as well as on large lakes and estuaries inland. Garganeys rarely updend completely when feeding and tend to dip just their head or skim the surface of the water with their bill. Most people have seen Mallards at least once before. Males are especially easy to spot because they stand out with their colorful emerald green heads and bright yellow beaks.

With looks remarkably similar to the Goosander, the red-breasted merganser has a similar serrated bill to catch fish. Males are similar to the Goosander save for their shaggy green heads and mottled brown breast. Females are almost identical to Goosanders, except for their similarly shaggy brown heads. Smew Gadwalls feed themselves by dabbling in shallow water. They submerge their heads until they can reach for plants and other vegetation underwater. They may occasionally feed on insects, too. Females are brown with a white patch between each eye and bill.Both males and females have yellow eyes. Greater Scaups look very similar to Lesser Scaup except with rounder heads. Fun Fact: Female White-winged Scoters return to the nesting area where they were hatched. This behavior is called “Natal Philopatry.” 27. Barrow’s Goldeneye

Diving ducks

Lesser Scaups feed primarily on mollusks and clams that they find after diving into the water and sifting through the bottom. They also dabble in the water for plant vegetation like bulrushes, wild celery, wild rice, and pondweeds. Blue-winged Teals breed in the US and Canada before migrating to Florida, the Gulf Coast, southern West Coast, Mexico, Central and northern South America, and the Caribbean. Common Mergansers breed in Canada and migrate to the US. Some remain all year in northeastern and northwestern US states.

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