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I usually find that a story would have benefitted from being shorter/more cut down, but this one I think could have benefitted from being longer to allow a little more breathing room for ideas to grow. Tan bon punt vaig saber que l'autor havia publicat Hypericon vaig córrer a comprar-me'l pensant, pobre innocent, que no podria igualar les sensacions del primer llibre que vaig llegir. Teresa meets Ruben, but he may not offer her the stability she needs as her insomnia frays her fragile mind. But it really threw me out of the story every time it happened and I sat there trying to remember what a word meant in German.

It's 2001, and Teresa, a young Italian suffering from insomnia and a generally fragile state of mind, has just arrived in Berlin with a grant to help organize an exhibit of Tutankhamen's treasure. And lastly, I'm guessing that the author intended there to be significance in Teressa finally overcoming her chronic insomnia and being able to sleep through the TV coverage of a major world event (no spoilers, but I'm sure that you can guess). It didn't feel like Ruben's plot line or influence assisted in or bolstered the previously established parallel narratives that are established for Teressa. First, thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review this copy of Hypericon's English-translated edition.No missing or damaged pages, no creases or tears, no underlining or highlighting of text, and no writing in the margins.

Es nota en els personatges, però es nota sobretot en l'arquitectura i els espais berlinesos, que brillen amb llum pròpia sota el prisma de l'autor. Ella acaba d'aterrar a Berlín per dissenyar una exposició sobre el tresor de Tutankamon; ell fa temps que viu en una casa okupa, coneix l'ambient contracultural i s'encarregarà de mostrar-li la ciutat.

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The characters only react for a page or two AND THEN THE BOOK JUST ENDS with some speech about "The past and present are more connected than we realize".The archeological vibes were on point, and there was peace in the desert paintings while waiting for the tomb to reveal its secrets. In addition, the disclosure serves to protect our legitimate interests, which outweigh the interests of all parties involved, in the effective assertion or enforcement of our payment claim in accordance with Art. I did find the flips between Teresa's present and the other archeologist team in the 1920s to be interesting, but it took me reading the synopsis to realize the perspective switch was supposed to be what Teresa reading in her book. El volum encavalca dues històries separades per quasi un segle —la relació de la Teresa i en Ruben i la d'una troballa arqueològica— fent servir com a nexe el faraó-nen i el seu tresor.

I didn't really get their dynamic, or why Teressa continued the relationship throughout the graphic novel and into the epilogue.I don't like reaching for my translator and painfully typing it all in by hand, so I mostly ignored the non-English parts.

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