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Beings of Light

Beings of Light

RRP: £21.00
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An extra layer of the challenge when it comes to discerning among higher spiritual beings is that in modern metaphysics the spiritual realms are usually described as being all beneficial. Or when it is recognized that there are less than trustworthy beings, they're usually classified using a dualistic system… ie. Higher spiritual beings are either of the light (beneficial), or of the dark (harmful). In most cases no indication was given of the age of the experiencer, so no conclusions about a possible effect of age on the experiences could be reached. Among the literature reports, 5% concerned children or very young persons, while most of the interviewees were young adults, from around age 20. 39 One person reported having a memory of a striking experience during birth. 40 State of Mind Apparently mistakes were made in the past by these advanced beings, as they seem reluctant to interfere directly with the Colonials or the Terrans. They help Apollo and battlestar Galactica save the Terrans from themselves ( Experiment in Terra). Gurney, E. Myers, F. & Podmore, F. (1886). Phantasms of the Living. 2 Volumes, London: Truebner & Co. Eating overly- processed food can make your body feel weak and sluggish. It’s hard to be physically active if you are exhausted and hurting all the time. When you are coping with these physical issues, it’s nearly impossible to focus on the spiritual realm of light beings.

Alien Origins: Beings of Light (Video 2020) - IMDb Alien Origins: Beings of Light (Video 2020) - IMDb

I am a being of light. Every cell in my body radiates light. Every part of my body manages its tasks easily and naturally. All my choices manifest perfect health. I honour my body by trusting the signals that it sends me. I love every cell of my body. I take loving care of my body now. Every day I am healthier and stronger. I am radiant health. I Am Naturally Healthy… Why crystal babies? Where does that term come from and why was it created? Does it have any other meanings, going beyond lightworker?Working to stay balanced and centered ourselves, and to clarify our thinking, feeling, and willing empowers us to attract the beings of the middle path and of the highest Christed Light. Guggenheim, W. & Guggenheim, J. (1995). Hello from Heaven. Longwood, Florida, USA: The ADC Project, PO Box 916070, Longwood, Florida 32791-6070, USA.

Light Beings and Spirit Energy: How You Created the Universe Light Beings and Spirit Energy: How You Created the Universe

Thought: I wouldn't consider myself to be kind (i'm rather selfish and sometimes mean actually—I have a bit of a me first attitude), I'm more nice, doing things for people and to help because of a feeling of obligation or anger actually. Anger at the world makes me want to change it. At the same time, I really want to help people. I guess I just don't want to go too far out of my way to do it, though if i cared enough i think i'd be willing. Ring, K. (1980). Life at Death: A Scientific Investigation of the Near-Death Experience. New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan. 1980. I've just read about lightworker for the very first time today. I'm 63 and have known I affect people around me for a long time. Maybe it's time to be less reclusive?During your focused meditation, visualize a beautiful golden door standing before you. Only you have the power to open or close this heavenly portal. Before you reach for the knob to open it, ask the Divine Source to shower you in protective white light. Barrett, W. (1926 / 1986). Death-Bed Visions: The Psychical Experiences of the Dying. 1st edition London: Methuen, 1926. Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1986.

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