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Batman: Fortress

Batman: Fortress

RRP: £99
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Bei solchen schwerwiegenden Vorkommnissen muss natürlich Superman konsultiert werden, doch blöd nur, dass dieser wie vom Erdboden verschwunden ist. Without realizing it, I believe DC has told everyone that this title is worth less than the Imposter and that Gary Whitta is worth less than Mattson Tomlin. The trope subverts the concept that Batman is the most human member (or least powered) of the Justice League among a team of demigods.

Many of these conversations are stagnant enough that Darick Robertson is unable to flex his sequential muscles. A near spoiler here, if you have read the New Krypton story arc, you'll understand why the aliens are out for Earth and Superman.

Gary Whitta (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) and Darick Robertson (The Boys) have joined forces to tell a brutal and shocking adventure that will turn everything you think you know about Superman upside down!

Batman’s dynamic with Lex is particularly fun, echoing their similar dynamic during Joshua Williamson’s all-too brief run on the main Batman ongoing comic book series, with Lex as the billionaire genius who knows exactly how to get under Bruce Wayne’s skin. I’m not sure if this is a plot hole as I don’t know how his powers work but one of Batman’s team is the new Aquakid.

Batman: Fortress by Gary Whitta and Darick Robertson essentially poses the question “what would Batman do if the Earth was under attack and Superman was missing? The interplay between Batman and Lex carries the latter half of the series, with Lex’s constant conniving to save his own skin at the expense of those around him.

Granted, there are moments and particularly facial close-ups that are less than stellar compared to his norm, but overall he does a good job and one that somehow worked well for me with the story. Occasionally, the story is too goofy (Darick Robertson's atrocious art doesn't help there), but it's overall a way more satisfying read than I expected. I felt this review would best serve as an exploration of some of the context behind the series and what that could mean for it. Charged with war crimes committed by the Krytonians prior to the destruction of Krypton, Superman agrees to submit himself for possible execution before an alien tribunal. Another Elseworlds tale, and in this case, the throughline that Batman is always Batman is the only thing consistent.Superman’s reasoning for not being present for most of the book was the equivalent of hiding under a pile of coats and hoping everything would somehow work out. In all honestly this should have been a Justice League story but aside from that nit pick it is an ok story. I've followed his art since all his early collaborations with guys like Garth Ennis (on The Boys and more) and Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan! It does drag for a while but picks up when they break into the Fortress of Solitude to find answers and hopefully some tech to help them defeat the invaders. Batman: Fortress opens with a Dark Knight completely outmatched by a threat from beyond the stars, left with only his wits.

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